Thursday, 26 June 2008

Degree Show 2008 at Central St. Martins

How to describe a final degree show? Having attended previous shows as a student going through it myself was a whole different experience. The building tension, the nerves and exitement of the private view and then the following week of tedious invigilation. I did have some really interesting conversations with all sorts of people but at the end of it all I am left with what I began with: myself and a portfolio of work. Now that college is over the real work begins in ernest. I and all the graduate designers of 2008 must find ourselves a place in the world of design. Rather daunting, but that's what we've been working towards for the last 4 years. I intend to throw myself into the job seeking process and see where it takes me. As my tutor said "it's now time to design my own life."

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